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Lunar Animals and Lucky Envelope with Pamela

Hello! This is Pamela taking over the blog with a project using Lunar Animals and Lucky Envelope Creative Cuts. Since I am now married, this lucky envelope die will come in handy when I want to create my own red pocket to give out during Chinese New Year! I first picked out a few ink pads - Rain Water, Dark Storm, and Stargazer and Delicata Gold. Then I took some washi tape and started to mask around the card to create a border.

 DS - Luna Animals 

Here is the finished blending! I carefully peel off the washi strips to reveal the triangle border.

DS - Luna Animals 

 Now it's time to create my gift card holder! I use the Treat Topper Creative Cut and die cut a topper with some pattern paper. I stitched an envelope using clear acetate sheets and slipped in this Year of the Lamb Starbucks gift card before tying the topper to the clear pocket with some twine. 

DS - Luna Animals 

And here you go! A card to go with a gift card to say farewell to the year of the Ram, and to welcome the year of the Monkey!

 DS - Luna Animals 

A matching Starbucks gift card to start someone's New Year the awesome way!

DS - Luna Animals 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That is such a pretty card, I love the blending!

  2. That is such a pretty card, I love the blending!

  3. I love the mosaic techniques are sooooo much fun. I love how your card turned out.

  4. Great card. Love the technique for the card front. Of course the stamp set is adorable.

  5. Wonderful card, and great gift idea. ♥♥♥

  6. What a great technique to use washi strips to make the triangle border! The clear giftcard holder is a great way to show off the Starbucks gift card. Need to get the Lunar Starbuck giftcards before they runout....

  7. I LOVE the inking design on this card! This lil set is adorable!

  8. Awesome!!! Love the blended ink frame you created!!

  9. wonderful!
    Thank you for sponsoring winter coffee blog hop!
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  10. That is such a neat idea - love what you created.

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