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Sneak Peeks Day 2!

 Hey there! Welcome back to another day of Sneak Peeks! Today we bring you the rest of the previews to the upcoming Anniversary Release! Get your awws ready!

Omigosh! How cute is this plate of gingerbread cookies? They are totally too cute to eat but not too cute to stamp!

More agenda pals coming your way! Will you make them into winter foxes or woodland foxes?

Totally love the way Kryssi combines her handwritten print letters with her curvy scripted letters!

We see another cute set by Aida Zamora! These Santas are beyond cute when they are trying not to be noticed!
Last but not least, is this little cutie writing to Grandma or to Santa?
That's it for the peeks! Starting tomorrow we will be revealing full sets! So stay tuned!


  1. I LOVE the little santa peeking from behind the tree!

  2. Super cute! Love Kryssi's sentiments and the adorable Santa!!!!

  3. Everything is just too cute and the gingerbread cookies ... too sweeeeeet!!!

  4. Awesome second peek, santa peeping round the tree is so much fun but for cuteness look at those foxes x

  5. OMG So many cute items. I cannot wait for the release!

  6. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Santa Baby is SO CUTE & would fit NICELY into my Santa Collection, which is hardly off the ground yet! LOL Santa Baby would DO NICELY!!! AND YES, as Lindar C says, "OH, ANOTHER BUNNY--Sincerely Mine," just makes my heart melt!!! ;)<3

  7. Santa Baby and The foxes!!! Oh My!!!!

  8. Delightful! I LOVE the gingerbread cookies! I always do some holiday baking to share with friends and neighbors, so it is a perfect image for me to make tags or cards to go along with home baked goodies!
    Can't wait to see Little Fox Agenda! I am crazy about foxes!

  9. Awhhhh indeed. Can there be something like to much cuteness? Noooo! Love the sentiment and the font too. X X


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